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Assabet Valley

Regional Technical/Vocational School District
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IT Support / Helpdesk

Students / Parents Support Guide

Students / Parents Support Guide

Passwords / Accounts
Students can now request a password reset in person at the Helpdesk. Alternatively, students can submit an online request:
Students -  Click here to submit an account reset request
Parents - Click here to submit an account reset request on behalf of a student, or for your own Assabet account (i.e. iPass)
Teachers - Click here to submit an account reset request on behalf of a student.
The Helpdesk
For tech support, students should visit the Helpdesk - B204E, located at the top of the Library ramp. This is also where students can get their damaged devices looked at, ask technology-related questions, etc. 
If you are a parent or guardian needing to talk to someone about a Chromebook invoice, please direct your inquiries to Dr. Daniel Downs, Director of Educational Technology

Staff / Faculty Support Guide

Please submit a ticket on Operations Hero for any IT questions or support. We will reach out to talk or visit when we reach your ticket in the queue.
We know some things feel 'small' or 'simple' that you just want to send an email about, but we can only keep track of all these little things if they are in the queue with the big stuff. Help us help you!
If you are stuck because you can't sign into Operations Hero, call us at x1401 or x1428 or stop by The Helpdesk. We won't be able to communicate via email once your password is reset, so calling in this scenario is your best bet!
Please do not send us any identifying student information via Operations Hero. We recommend coming to the Helpdesk directly for student-related issues. Still, you can submit a ticket without identifying info, i.e., "I have an unnamed student who uses a Chrome extension at home that we want to enable here..." When we reach that ticket in the queue, we will reach out as needed to clarify information. 

Door with IT Helpdesk sign

Located on the Second Floor

students on computers

Students Using 1:1 Program Devices in Class