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School Bus Information
All Assabet students have access to school-provided bus transportation. These buses are under the regulation and control of school officials. Buses will pick up and drop off students only at designated locations according to the published schedules.
Please note that there may be multiple towns per-bus and multiple busses per-town, so be sure to review all schedules.
Please note that there may be multiple towns per-bus and multiple busses per-town, so be sure to review all schedules.
How do I know what bus my child should take?
The bus routes are posted here. Please look over the routes carefully and establish the stop that is closest to your home. That is your child’s bus.
What time does the bus come?
Please look over the routes carefully, establish the stop closest to your home, and note the published approximate time. Please be advised that the times are approximate, and your child should be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes before the posted time. Especially early in the year, please be patient while the bus companies iron out any minor issues or discrepancies.
Does my child need a bus pass?
No, bus passes are not being issued at this time.
Are there social distancing protocols in place this year on the bus?
At this time, no.
Does my child need to wear a mask?
Masks are not required in general on the bus, unless returning to school after having Covid19 during the 5 day mask requirement. Of course, masks may always be worn if desired. If you have any questions, please contact the nurse’s office at x1422.
What happens if the bus does not come?
The bus companies have GPS on all vehicles, and they can check to see when the bus was at the stop or, in the unlikely event, when the bus did not report to the stop for some reason. Remember, there can be a time difference of up to 10 mins. before the posted time and 10 mins. after the published time. Some situations are out of our control, such as accidents, detours and labor shortages that could delay the bus. We work hard to be on time as much as possible. If you believe the bus did not come and would like to report that, please call Assabet.
My child’s parents have split/shared custody. Can my child ride one bus some days and another bus other days?
Yes, your child may ride one bus one day, but ride a different bus another day to get to the location closest to the other parent’s home. Each student is assigned one bus route, however, and that is determined based on the primary household location. Therefore, students who need to ride a different bus can do so, but it must be according to the stops and locations already determined as posted and as space is available. We cannot add stops or amend routes.
Who do I call if I have a question or an issue?
Please call Assabet at 508-485-9430 x 1432 or x 1458, and we will do our best to assist you. Depending on the issue/question, you may be asked to contact the bus company directly, and we will be happy to provide you with the appropriate contact information.
What if my child needs to stay after school? Is there transportation that will take them to our city/town?
In many instances and during a large part of the school year, yes. Assabet provides a courtesy 4:00 p.m. late bus on Tuesdays and Thursdays with routes going to many cities and towns where our students come from. Registration IS required. There are flow codes posted throughout the school where your child can register. The routes are condensed, so the closest stop to your home may be different than the regular route your child takes.
What if my child plays sports and needs transportation after sports? Is there an option?
In many instance and during a large part of the school year, yes. Assabet provides a courtesy 6:00 p.m. sports bus Monday through Thursday with routes going to many cities and towns where our students come from. Registration IS required, and this is only offered to students participating in sports on that day. There are flow codes posted throughout the school where your child can register. The routes are condensed, so the closest stop to your home may be different than the regular route your child takes.
How does my child register for a 4:00 late bus or a 6:00 sports bus?
On the morning of the day that transportation is required, your child can register for the appropriate bus up until 9:00 a.m. by using the flowcodes posted throughout the hallways of the school. Responses received after 9:00 a.m., unfortunately, cannot be processed. We cannot guarantee the appropriate bus will be available on that day unless you register by 9:00 a.m. on the day the transportation is needed. We order the buses on an “as-needed basis.”
When can my child start utilizing the late bus and/or sports bus?
4:00 p.m. late bus routes begin on the week of Sept. 13, 2022 (Tuesdays and Thursdays only)
6:00 p.m. sport bus routes begin on the week of Sept. 6, 2022 (Monday through Thursday)
6:00 p.m. sport bus routes begin on the week of Sept. 6, 2022 (Monday through Thursday)
Elizabeth Baldelli, Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Principals
EBaldelli@assabet.org | 508-485-9430
Boxborough - Dee Bus: 978.425.4706
Boylston - NRT: 978.562.5186
Clinton - Dee Bus: 978.425.4706
Leicester- AA Transportation: 508.892.5424
Leominster - Van Pool: 978.400.7811
Shrewsbury - AA Transportation 508.791.9100
Sudbury - First Student: 978.443.8631
West Boylston - WB School: 508.579.0009
Boylston - NRT: 978.562.5186
Clinton - Dee Bus: 978.425.4706
Leicester- AA Transportation: 508.892.5424
Leominster - Van Pool: 978.400.7811
Shrewsbury - AA Transportation 508.791.9100
Sudbury - First Student: 978.443.8631
West Boylston - WB School: 508.579.0009
School Bus Status for Today
School Bus Status for Today