Assistant Principals' Offices
Greeting visitors at the front entrance of the school on all sides of the foyer are the offices of the Assistant Principals, Attendance, & Security.
The Assistant Prinicpals, Mr. Gahagan and Mrs. Faria, are responsible for assisting with the academic progress of students. They promote good attendance rates and ensure school safety and the prevention of bullying and harassment. Additionally, they support the teaching staff's classroom management programs and identify students with attendance issues or disciplinary problems and address those issues with parents to create a positive high school experience.
Bus schedules, delays, and passes are managed from this office. Please refer to the Bus Status Board (also on front page of for the latest updates on daily bus delays and changes. Please continue to keep us apprised of any issues as they arise that are not already posted by contacting us at: 508-485-9430 x1481 or x1458
Page Contacts & Resources
Page Contacts & Resources
Elizabeth Baldelli, Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Principals | 508-263-9612
Gerald E. Gahagan, Assistant Principal, Grades 9 & 11 | 508-263-9612
Maki Faria, Assistant Principal, Grades 10 & 12| 508-263-9620
Kelly Sommerville, Attendance Clerk | 508-485-9430
Lamar Edmonds, School Resource Officer (SRO)
| 508-485-9430