Halls of Recognition
two halls of recognition
two halls of recognition
The purpose of the Assabet Valley Hall of Achievement is to recognize and honor outstanding alumni, teachers, and individuals who have achieved or contributed to the development of students or to the excellence of the vocational/technical programs of Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School.
The purpose of the Aztec Athletic Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor athletes, coaches, individuals, and teams who have made outstanding contributions either to the development of these athletes or to the excellence of the athletic program of
Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School.
Spencer Burton, Athletics Director
SBurton@assabet.org | 508-485-9430
Hall of Achievement
This initiative was started in 2010 with the induction of seven recipients. In 2011, nine more were added, and in 2012, there were twelve recipients. In 2013, there were seven new members added, in 2014, six more were inducted, and in 2015, another five honorees. In 2016, nine more members were chosen, in 2017, we added 6 more, in 2018, we added 5, in 2022, 4 more, and in 2023 5 more.
The Hall of Achievement Committee that reviews all nominees and selected the inductees has included: George Luoto, former Vice Chair of the School Committee from Hudson; David Quinn, an academic teacher at Assabet for over 30 years; Russ Mangsen, former Director of Technical Programs; and Mark Hollick, Assabet Valley Principal.

2024: Michael Gleason, David Stockbridge, David Quinn, Dr. Amelia (Kulik) Mallioux, David Tobin, and Paul Blachard. (Not pictured: Hayley Kurbs and Anthony Ferrecchia)

2022: Sandy Bouchard, Rick Rainville, Michael Stanton and Mark Roberts. Robert Packard and James Hatch not pictured.
2019: Julie McMurray, Laura Ross, Barbara (Goggin) Brooks
Not pictured - Cindy Zomar, Bill Monteiro, Paulo Cavalcanti

2018: From Left to Right: George Luoto, Kelly Cabral Bushey, Christopher Martel, Boston Scientific

2017: Bernhard Jensen, Brian Clemmer, Fay Butler, Marie LeDuc, John Walsh and Samantha Brown

2016:Bryan Garrity, Joseph Isaacs, Pamela Fondas, Corridor Nine Chamber of Commerce, Marlborough Chamber of Commerce, Timothy Nickerson, Paul George, Denise Keane and Arthur Balthazar

2015: William Felice, Christopher Muello, Joseph Valarioti, Lynn Ryan, Tim Ricci, and missing from picture, Molly Brodeur-Nesbitt and Christopher Brennion

2014: Jeffrey Gemma, Joan Gilroy, Phyllis Muthee, MACWIC, Michelle Lyons Roche, and Robert Caras. Missing from picture is Wendy Pelto Tortolini.

2013: Andrew McDonald, Edward Hajduk, Catherine Mogavero, James Lambert, John Pawlika, and Jonathan Williams. Missing was Ferguson Enterprises.

2012: Raytheon (James McGrath and Ann-Marie Peltier), Karen Lee Bushnell, Tom Peola, Robert Chaves, Michawl Frias, Tom Collins, David Esteves, Henry Pacific, Amanda Ober, Coleman House Senior Care Residence, Michael Cole, and John White

2011: David Monteiro, Dennis Monteiro, Cary Corkin from Entwistle Company, Melissa Mercer Silva, Robert Waldron, Mark Cullinane (Jean Cullinane accepting for her son), James Mongeau, Steve Phillips, and Solidworks

2010: David Kennedy, Anthony Mellace, Jeff Furmanic, James Arsenault, Cecelia Temple, James Denman (accepting for his father, James Denman). Missing from picture, Enid Mansfield Parker.
Hall of Fame
2016 Assabet Valley Athletic Hall of Fame from Assabet TV
Membership in the Aztec Athletic Hall of Fame may be conferred upon those graduates or individuals who are nominated and meet the standards set forth in the Aztec Athletic Hall of Fame By- Laws created by the Executive Committee.
Membership in the Aztec Athletic Hall of Fame will be granted to those nominees who meet the following criteria:
Any athlete, coach, significant contributor, or team who has, through their commitment, sacrifice, and dedication, brought pride and distinction through their outstanding participation to the Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School athletic program.
The selection committee at those times deemed appropriate may nominate, select, and induct an individual who does not qualify as an alumnus/alumna but who is deemed worthy of induction because of his/her outstanding contribution to Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School Athletics.
SECTION 3. Selection Committee
The purpose of the selection committee shall be to review nominations and select, by ballot, those to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
The selection committee will be limited to 9 members from which a committee chair, secretary, and treasurer will be selected.
Members can maintain membership status and voting privileges by attending a minimum of 50% of the scheduled committee meetings from the final selection vote one year to the selection vote the following year.
The selection committee may solicit new members in any manner it deems appropriate.
Individuals seeking membership on the committee should contact a current member.
After being notified, the committee chair will inform the committee of the request in advance of the next scheduled meeting. Contingent upon there being an opening on the committee, the applicant must then receive a 2/3 vote from the quorum present.
All Selection Committee members will receive a list of names eligible for Hall of Fame induction at this meeting. The list of eligible nominees will then be considered for induction through the election process.
Each year nominations will be accepted by the Hall of Fame Selection Committee. The timetable for these nominations will be posted in local newspapers with a deadline for acceptance of nominations. The Committee Chairman will convene a meeting once nominations are finalized.
The By-Laws of the Aztec Athletic Hall of Fame may be amended by a simple majority vote of the Committee. There must be at least two thirds of the members of the Committee at such a meeting.
SECTION 4. - Nomination Procedures
Each year nominations will be accepted by the Hall of Fame selection committee. Nomination forms, dates and deadlines for acceptance of nomination papers will be posted in the local newspapers, Assabet web page, local cable access.
The nomination forms of each candidate will be submitted to the selection committee.
An established procedure for screening nominations will be determined by the committee.
Nominations must be received by the date specified to be considered for the current induction.
Once nominees are finalized the committee members will receive a packet of their nomination papers to review.
The committee chair will then convene a committee meeting at which nominees will be considered for induction through election process.
The Hall of Fame Committee shall take into consideration different eras or time periods in appointing members to the Hall of Fame Committee and in selecting candidates to the Hall.
In order to be elected to the Hall of Fame one must receive a majority of the votes of Committee members present at the time of voting.
SECTION 5: Nomination Instructions-
Certain criteria are required for the application to be accepted and the individual's name placed on the list for consideration. Please read the instructions carefully before completing the nomination forms.
Nominations will not be accepted by e-mail or fax.
1. Complete information on all applicable pages. Be sure to include category of consideration
2. Complete all requested information under the nominated category. Attach any additional information.
3. Include any information you feel is important which may not have been requested.
4. Concentrate on nominee’s Assabet Valley High School achievements.
Return completed application by mail or deliver to:
Aztec Athletic Hall of Fame
Assabet Valley Reg. Tech. High School Athletic Department
215 Fitchburg Street
Marlboro, MA 01752
NOTE: Incomplete applications will be returned
Only those nominations post marked on or before May 1st or personally delivered to the office address by 4:30 PM May 1st will be considered for that year.