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Course Selection
Please take the time to carefully review the information on this page and any other resources provided to assist you in selecting the best courses based on your current and future goals.
- Log into your iPass account
- Change the school year to next year's dates
- Review and approve teacher recommendations
- Choose between 2 to 4 elective courses
- Hit submit
If you do not agree with a teacher's recommendation, you may add your own recommendation under the appropriate heading."By Recommendation Only"
Students will be placed in "by recommendation only" courses if necessary by certain criteria. Do not attempt to select these courses as you will not be eligible to choose them for yourself.
"A" VS. "B"
Only choose courses offered at your grade level for next year.
- Current grade 10 students should pick course with an A (e.g. 151A)
- Current grade 9 & 11 students should pick courses with a B (e.g. 151B)
Elective choices are based on space available and scheduling constraints. There is no guarantee students will get desired choices.
Courses Requiring Approval
Students requesting the following courses must complete the "Application for Courses Requiring Approval":
- Directed Study Hall Opt-Out
- 7th Course
- Future Steps: Quinsigamond Community College
- Pre-Engineering Program
- More than 2 AP Classes (rising juniors and seniors only)
- World Language Lab
- Athletic Training/Director Aide
- Online Course Platforms

Robert McCann, III, Director of Academic Programs & Title I
RMccann@assabet.org | 508-263-9605
Michelle Roach, Assistant to the Director of Academics
MRoach@assabet.orgmroach@assabet.org | 508-485-9430
MRoach@assabet.orgmroach@assabet.org | 508-485-9430
Have you met with your guidance counselor?
Click here to locate your counselor's schedule and make an appointment request with Student Services.
Click here to locate your counselor's schedule and make an appointment request with Student Services.